Monday, December 2, 2013

Curves Complete Weigh in

Cuz this double weigh in stuff isn't

November 16th - 280.0 (Initial Weight)
November 23rd - 276.4
December 2nd - 276.6

I gained .2 ... Not horrible over Turkey Day...granted that wasn't my biggest was my birthday on Saturday....YAY for being 29!!!...Between the popcorn (twice) and the ice cream and the eating was a GREAT birthday but not so hot on the diet part.

We decorated the Christmas tree yesterday....That process was kinda...icky...

When we pulled the box from the shed it has a gap and that forced me to open it while still out side...I am glad that I did...inside I found a next and in that a mummified was N A S T Y!!!!

So bleach water and febreze later...and it only slightly smells like an old lady's house.

Shameless excuse to use a photo of my babies!!!
We need to hunt out that garland and various other decorations but....I am glad the tree is up! back on the diet wagon...going to survive the next four weeks....Bandiversary is coming!!!

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