Monday, July 29, 2013

Home Sweet Home and Some Baking Fun!!

OMG...I am so glad to be home. The last two weeks have been C R A Z Y!

Man I missed my hubby and my kids were driving me NUTS!

I feel so bad for all the single moms out there. I at least knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

Anywho...I am home and nervous about my weigh in on has been almost three weeks since I stepped on the official scale.

Ok on to the baking fun...

While I was on vacation...I learned A LOT about the Paleo Diet. It is a plan where you eat what the human body was designed to eat as long as that ate what it was designed to eat.

So meat, vegetables, fruit, beans or grains...

With that in mind I was beginning to CRAVE something sweet and desert friend posted the recipe for these...

Now before you call foul...

These suckers have NO FLOUR...they are made of almond butter, zucchini, raw honey, chocolate chips, egg, and a few spices...

OMG these things are AMAZING!

I have posted the recipe on the recipe page!

Alright see you in a few days when I weigh in...keep your fingers crossed!

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